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A cane with folding seat and cooling vests that work well?

Hi! Please, I’m wondering if anyone has used a cane with the folding seat and found one that they really liked. I am looking for something that will keep me as active as possible and continuing doing the things I like to do.

  1. Hi, !

    I hope other community members see your post and can chime in with their personal preferences on cooling vests and canes with seats. It can be a bit of trial and error to find what works for you, but I know that can get expensive, so I hope other members can give you some suggestions to save you some time and money. I wanted to share a site that might be helpful for you and a specific article on cooling vests for active people with MS -- And, when it comes to canes with seats, there are SO many choices! Here's an article that rates some canes with chairs, but please keep in mind that I can't assure that the site is unbiased. But, at least it's a place to start -- I hope this helps and please share what works for you, when you find those products!

    Best, Erin, Team Member.

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