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A Comforting Couch, Please.

Greetings to All. I spend more and more time sitting on my couch, which when purchased, was firm and comfortable. This was in 2019. I don't know if that's old or not as I had a Broyhill for years and years prior. As I progress with weakness it seems my couch is right there with me. It has a big dent where I sit, which is usually on the same side due to lighting. There is such a sag where I sit and if I sit aside the "dip", I fall into it anyway. We have a small ranch, not many sitting options especially since I cannot sit on a wood chair, nor any chair for that matter, that isn't closed in. I feel I will fall of the planet due to imbalance if I cannot visually see that's not an option, lol. Does anyone know of a type of "chair" that can be placed where I sit? I'm not referring to lumbar cushions as the issue is the bottom and back. Any advice/suggestions are welcome!

  1. , I feel like your post is right up my alley. I'm incredibly picky about my couches and chairs and it's all about comfort for me! I've learned the hard way that you tend to get what you pay for, although I am surprised your Broyhill couch is already showing some serious wear and tear; that's a bit disappointing, as it's generally a good brand.

    Are you open to La-Z-Boy type recliner chairs? They have about a bazillion options and sizes and styles. And again, I have learned the hard way that you get what you pay for. I have had many a cheap recliner, but La-Z-Boy can't be beat for durability. And they have sizes/styles for short people and large people, which is really helpful, and some styles don't even look like recliners. I know I sound like a salesperson for them, but I promise I am not. I *wish* I could find a cheaper brand that lasts as long, but, I haven't yet.

    I did find this article to be helpful for at least a good place to start (with some relatively affordable options) -- Honestly? You may need to spend some time in stores (and try to avoid those overly zealous sales people) and really test out your options. I know that seems pretty daunting when you're dealing with MS and the various symptoms that can come with it!

    I hope other members have some other suggestions for you, as well. Finding comfortable, durable furniture can be a challenge, to be sure!

    Best, Erin, Team member.

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