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Any face to face meeting for the community?

I am living in Melbounre Australia and so much want to know ppl that dealing with MS.

I was diagnosed 7 months ago and i think it could be a huge support to meet mire ppl from the community.

Anyone knows about any physical meetup groups?

Anyone is living around and feeling keen to connect?

  1. Hi ! Welcome to the MS community. A new diagnosis can be pretty overwhelming, so I hope you find a few people here who live in your part of the world. I am certain that we do have some members from Australia. In the meantime, know that we are all here for you whenever you need us. I know that is not the same as having in-person support, but it can be a good feeling to know you are among people who get it. Wishing you the very best! - Lori (Team Member)

    1. I'm in a suburb of Melbourne, you can add me to your list if you ever organise a meeting/cafe meet n great.

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