, I hear you! Between the scientific names for medications and then then generics, it can be hard to figure out what in the heck someone is talking about and where to find it.
So, clemastine (also known as clemastine fumarate) is the ingredient found in OTC allergy medications. Specifically, Tavist Allergy and Dayhist Allergy. That said, when I went on a bit of an online hunt, it seems to not be so easy to purchase. You can buy it for your pets, but finding it for humans, well, that may not be so easy, depending on where you live. It appears that it was pulled from the US market a few years ago due to increased risks of hemorrhagic stroke. I am unsure if it is available to purchase outside the US.
And, frankly, I was not aware of this until I dug into this further!
Best, Erin, MultipleSclerosis.net Team Member.