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Pets of

Our pets are like family members and they play such a huge role in our overall mental and physical health.

They're there for us on the good days and the bad days, always ready to cheer us up and make us smile.

Share a pic of your pet and tell us about them below! šŸ§” šŸ¾

  1. This is Gunther (dog) and Sophie (cat). They are easily the best parts of my day. Sophie tolerates Gunther while Gunther thinks that they are best friends and should do everything together. I love how intuitive they both are and can sense when I need a little extra love and comfort but also when I just need a good laugh. Even while writing this, Gunther is staring at me quietly demanding attention while Sophie is staring at me as if to say "you can type with one hand and give me snacks with the other you know." They're the best! šŸ§”

    1. Your best friends for sureā™„

  2. These boys, Leon (L) & Quigley (R) also keep me laughing and provide snuggles whenever they're needed! Does anyone else talk to their pets like they are actual humans? No, just me???
    -Kelsey, team member

    1. , you are not alone when it comes to talking to your fur babies like you would talk to anyone elseā€¦.my two ā€œBoysā€ keep me very amused and very ā€œSaneā€. I truly donā€™t know what Iā€™d do without them ā¤ļø. Vinny is the Chow Chow & Gronky is the Boxer. Gronky is the new addition to the family and is 10 months old, Vinny is almost 8 years old and they are so good together ā¤ļøšŸ™

    2. What sweethearts, ! I am glad they are getting along well. Maybe the younger one will keep the older one active. Thanks for brightening my day with this photo. This is such a fun forum! Best wishes. - Lori (Team Member)

  3. This is Nicholas my service dog

    1. How cool is that?! Saint Nicholas! Please give him all the peace, love, and belly rubs for us. Thank you so much for sharing! šŸ˜Š Kayleigh, team

    2. , I used to have a wonderful cat named Saint Jerome, after the lion who was devoted to the saint after the saint got a thorn out of his paw. St. Nicholas is a beauty!

  4. Theyā€™re all so adorable!! Here is my lil lovable brat cat, Maya. I bug the heck outa her all day. Only fair cuz she wakes me up in the middle of the night to be petted or get fed. Lol Told you I bug her.  Guess what her eyes are saying. Lol

    1. Stop it!! She is way too cute! She definitely looks like trouble in the best way possible lol. Haha, I literally just had this same convo with a friend today actually about bugging our pets during the day because they get wild at night. She looks like she is a little talker too. So stinking cute Tess! Thank you for sharing! šŸ§” Kayleigh, team

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