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Curious - how much and how well do you sleep?

I have struggled with insomnia for as long as I can remember. I remember using a flashlight to read underneath my covers in bed in elementary school. I wake up unnecessarily and can't fall back asleep. I'm exhausted but can't fall asleep. I sleep longer than four or five hours and wake up with excruciating pain... my ears, my back, my legs. The fatigue is hitting me so hard, I've been losing minutes during the day because I'm basically falling asleep while doing things...yet I still can't sleep. I just can't wrap my mind around it.

Just so tired and looking at another sleepless night... ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ

  1. I feel like a zombie sometimes at work !! I sleep maybe 1-2 then up to go to the bathroom then sleep another 1-2 hrs !!!! Sometimes I get lucky and can sleep for 4 hrs but thatโ€™s rare. I was wondering if anyone elseโ€™s legs hurt when they stand up and try to walk. Sometimes it feels like when you snap a rubber band. It almost will put me on the ground. Now my neck is starting to hurt when I move it!!

    1. same! I am lucky to get 4 or 5 interrupted hours of sleep a night, and by the end of the week I'm just dragging myself through. The spasticity in my legs get worse as the exhaustion sets in, and the rubber band analogy is spot on. I was standing at the sink in the kitchen yesterday and my left leg did it out of the blue so hard I almost launched myself across the kitchen. Sending support ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ

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