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Extremely painful hip pain, shin bones feel like they are on fir

Recently with cold weather, spasticity has taken a toll on my entire body.
My hips are in extreme pain, my right arm , elbow (Osteoarthritis) losing so much strength, ear infections nonstop, weak, feel like any day im going to lose ability to walk.
On top of all this found a strange lump, rib bone under left breast. I am worried, scared, and also have lost 30 lbs.
I've had MS now for 17 years, my Neurologist at the VA is awesome, I've been on Ocrevus for over 5 years, because I have PPMS.
Thank goodness no new lesions, but pain is insufferable, never goes away, no matter what ❗ I feel like I am losing my mind, my body is shutting down and so confused about whats happening to me, is this normal??

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