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Halting scientific research

Anyone else see they halted Cancer Scientific research, any word on MS research being halted?? This is the most difficult thing I've seen today, I go to Cancer Center at VA for my infusions. My heart breaks everytime I am there for those fighting Cancer. Plus losing family to Cancer, Breast Cancer as a side effect to Ocrevus. I've already had a lump removed, lost family members to this. Please anyone out there have any information??

  1. it definitely is unsettling anytime you hear of research being slowed down or halted, especially when it's for areas that personally (and deeply) impact you. I too have MS, and I lost my mother to cancer, so I'm with you in wanting continued research for both. I don't know all the details of the current situation, but perhaps others will chime in. In the meantime, I just wanted to let you know that you're not alone in wanting this research - more specifically a cure! - for these conditions to continue.
    Alene (team member)

    1. Alene, thank you so very much for being part of this community and especially for being so kind. Im terribly sorry to hear about your mother, and that you also are struggling like the rest of us with MS. Again, I appreciate you and all you do, you're amazing!

      1. ,
        As Alene mentioned, it truly is unsettling. There are so many uncertainties at this time. As we wait to learn more, please know this community understands your concerns and you are not alone.
        ~Doreen (Team Member)

    2. Thank you so Doreen appreciate you so very much!!

      1. , this is a big question for all of us on the receiving end of the benefits of research and healthcare. I have heard the halt to funding has been paused until next week but that could change at any moment. Have you considered contacting your elected officials to make your concerns heard? Please speak up and let them now how you would be impacted by this change. In the meantime, please know you're not alone with the worries and concerns. Laura, MSnet moderator, Dx '08

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