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Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all the extraordinary moms in the MS community! Despite the challenges posed by MS, you continue to navigate motherhood with grace, determination, and unwavering strength.

On this special day, we acknowledge and honor your tireless efforts and celebrate the incredible mothers you are. Your love knows no bounds, and your dedication to your family is truly remarkable.

May today be a day of rest, relaxation, and self-care for you. Take time to cherish the precious moments with your loved ones and reflect on the beautiful journey of motherhood.

Wishing all the mothers the best on this special day!

Latoya (Team Member)

  1. thank you for sharing such a thoughtful message! Mothering with MS is not easy, so it's important to remember that we're not in this alone.

    This day can be wrapped with a lot of emotions. Having lost my mom a couple years back, it of course brings memories of her - sweet memories, but missing her for sure.

    I also think of all the the women who want to be moms and are not yet as well as the moms who may have lost their child. Motherhood can be filled with so much hope, expectation, love and also some pain, but remembering that we are part of this community where we can go through life together - motherhood, ms and all - is so helpful and comforting.

    I'm sending lots of love, hope and healing to all the women in our community here, because we're all touched by motherhood in some way.

    Thank you so much Latoya for sharing this message today, allowing us to all come together. <3
    Alene, Moderator

    1. It is my pleasure! I lost my mother too back in 2017 due to cancer and this day usually makes me sad. But like you said, I'm reminded of all our good memories and times. Motherhood sure isn't easy, but fellowshipping with women alike here is so encouraging! I hope you had an amazing day! -Latoya (Team Member)

    2. yes, I love your phrase "fellowshipping with women alike" it's spot on!
      Alene, Moderator

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