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Head Pain and MS

So fellow MS'ers, is that a thing? Maybe it should be, I digress sorry. So I have had MS since 2008 and frequently I get this sharp stabbing pain in my head. Happens in different parts of the head sometimes the pain last only seconds and sometimes minutes and it is debilitating. My question is does anyone else experience this phantom pain, if so have you spoken to your doctor and been told what it is? My doctor has never heard of such an experience and he is a too specialist in the Houston area. So just looking for answers thanks.

  1. I get headaches all the time. Nothing like what you describe though.

    1. Hmmmm, . While headaches and stabbing pains are not unusual with MS, I don't know what's going on in your situation. Honestly, the mobility of your stabbing pains is what is throwing me off. I've not come across many members experiencing similar. I did want to share one brief conversation from our forums. The member talks about her various MS symptoms, including stabbing head pains. I thought you might find it relatable -- While, I wouldn't want to say you are experiencing headaches or migraines, it sounds like your head pain may or may not be related to your MS (it's easy to pin everything on MS, when it's not always the case). So, I wanted to share a link to our sister site, for migraines -- It has tons of helpful information on head pains and I thought it might be a place where you can look around and maybe find some helpful tips or suggestions or even questions you can pose to your doctor. I know I've found some helpful tips over there, even for my average headaches.

      I hope this helps and I hope other community members chime in here and offer some helpful suggestions.

      Best, Erin, Team Member.

      1. Thanks so much Erin I will look at those

        1. Erin I will say I have had migraines in the past and this is different. I am totally stumped. Primarily the stabbing is on top of my head. On the sides.

          1. , yes. That's what's stumping me, too. I deal with migraines and your pain doesn't sound like migraines, but I have no idea what could be causing your stabbing pains. So, I guess we're in good company with your doctor, as he's stumped, too!

            Best, Erin, Team Member.

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