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Showing results for 'I have not been diagnosed with MS but it has been mentioned. I feel like a hypochondriac. I started having intermittent pain in my legs, mostly when I lay down at night or have my legs up. The pain can be very severe with many sleepless nights. It seems to come and go. I have the wet feeling around my ankles and have had for several years. I get twitchy muscles that are visible to the point that I can record them. I get pins and needle feelings in my limbs. Recently I have been having a crushing feeling in my upper arm with pins and needles going to my fingers. My chiro thinks it is a pinched nerve. I just hate going to the Dr because they act like I am crazy. I also have a hard time remembering common words in conversation. Does anyone else have the leg pain when laying down or the muscle twitches with MS? '

  1. I'm sorry to hear that you're dealing with these symptoms and not feeling seen or understood by your doctor. You mentioned that the chiropractor suspected a pinched nerve. Have you had any imagining like an MRI that would help to see if that's the case.

    I completely understand your comment about not wanting to go to the doctor, especially if you're not feeling understood by them. I'm just wondering if you have some testing if it would help to bring more clarity to what's going on.

    Seeing a neurologist or MS specialist might be really helpful as well, as they could do an in-person exam.

    Again, all of this is to just help get some answers for you. Let us know how things go for you, if you feel comfortable doing so.
    Alene, moderator

    1. I also came across these articles that you might find helpful.

      As always, take what resonates and leave what doesn't.
      Alene, moderator

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