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Hey I'm Brenda

Hey I'm Brenda, and I found out I had MS 21 years ago. It was very hard on me, it was a day after I turned 36 . I had we to dinner for my birthday t came home went to bed feeling good nothing worng. Next day went to work and my sister noticed the way I was walking and everything. She called my husband And told him she thought I had a stroke he came and got me and took me to 2 hospitals both of them said they didn't know it was wrong. So went home home Im happy

  1. Hi . Welcome to the community and thanks for sharing a photo. It is nice to be able to a face to the name. If you decide to make that photo your profile photo, let me know and I will tell you how. It looks like your post was cut off here. I am glad you didn't have a stroke, the MS diagnosis must have been a shock. I look forward to reading more of your story. Sending the best of all wishes your way; - Lori (Team Member)

    1. hi and welcome! Thank you for taking the time to share part of your diagnosis story with the community. Please make yourself at home here and don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.

      Best, Erin, Team Member.

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