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Hip & Left Leg Pain

It only happens when I get in bed to try and go to sleep at night my left Hip and Leg Get to hurting so bad like the pain be deep down were I have used so much icy hot & other muscle rubs & they just won't work. So anyone have any ideas to help me?

  1. MS has it's unique way of affecting one's body and unfortunately it's a needle in a hay stack when trying to identify how to remedy the pain cause by it. There is also much question around pain that happens frequently on one side. I'd like to share an article with you that might give you some insight as we wait for others to chime in and share their experience- Have you also tired any pain relievers like acetaminophen or tried an exercise program? Hope you're able to find relief and things turn around for you soon. Best, Latoya (Team Member)

    1. It's sometimes hard to know exactly what is causing pain in a particular area. Age comes into play. As we get older, our joints are not what they used to be, inflammation occurs from arthritis, old injuries and people with MS immediately might think MS is the main cause. My body has taken a beating over many decades now. I was a tomboy when I was a kid, always on the move, climbing, running. A runner in jr. high and high school. 11 yrs. of karate. Weight lifting from early age and on for nearly 60 yrs. I have arthritis. I have scar tissue from surgeries. I have compression fractures. I have pain each and every day and night of my life. It has slowed me down to a crawl as compared to a running start each day. What used to take me an hour to accomplish now takes me a day, sometimes two days or more.
      For pain in hip and leg when you go to bed, I have pain in my right hip when I lay on my right side, just the pressure on that side, even laying on a soft foam mattress causes pain and I have to shift a little so that I'm not laying directly on my hip bone. If I were you, I'd consult with a Rheumatologist who specializes in arthritis or an Orthopedic specialist re joints, bones. Back injuries??

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