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I am Still Here

I was DX in 1999
Working Full Time at a Bank
Doing everything to advance
One day I noticed when talking to internal and external customers on side of my entire body would go numb. I called my Family Dr to be seen I thought it may be my nerves because my Father was in the Hospital his health was up and down. My Dr wanted me to see a Neurologist and he ordered blood work and it came back that I had a Protein C diff he told me that I should have my Tubes taken care of so I could not have anymore children. I done that and then I had an MRI and that determined I had MS. Years went by and my Dr told me that my blood work was mixed with another patient and to stop taking Plavix. Since this has all happened for some reason I have been going Thur Menapause ( Started at 28 and now I am 55 ). I often wonder I am still in my body I am not myself it seems anymore 🌹

  1. oh my goodness, what a journey you have been on! I'm sorry to hear that you've had such challenges. While I can't speak to the mix up with the doctor, it's good that you got MRIs early on because they are often a stronger indicator or MS, there's really no blood test that can confirm MS. Has your doctor changed their diagnosis of MS? I wonder if talking with your GYN could offer some support for the early menopause? Either way, I hope that you're practicing some self care in the process because that's a lot you've gone through. It's important that we give ourselves some grace when living with such health challenges.
    Alene, Moderator

    1. I just want to echo what Alene already wrote, . And, frankly, I am a little concerned about the quality of care you have received from your doctor.

      Menopause can be pretty challenging, so like Alene mentioned, I would talk to your OB/GYN (if you have one).

      Please know you are not alone in this!

      Gentle Hugs, Erin, Team Member.

      1. Reading your comment has broken my heart. I can't even imagine what you've endured in your journey. I'm so sorry you've had to go through all of this. The mix-up with your blood work and the long-term impact on your health adds another layer of frustration and confusion that no one should have to endure. Don’t hesitate to seek as many opinions as needed or ask for changes in your treatment plan if something isn’t working for you. Your voice and experience are important in managing your health! Never stop advocating for yourself. We're here with you ❤️ -Latoya (Team Member)

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