Hello, I hope you are well. 3 weeks ago I went to my doctor because I couldn't shake a 4 day migraine. A neurological exam was conducted and it was determined that I had left sided weakness. My doc wanted to get a CT Scan of my brain to rule out things like stroke, bleed, tumour, and cancer. Things looked fine from there in the there was no evidence of any of those. Nonetheless an MRI was conducted today after only 2 weeks from the ER.
I am 62. Here are some of my symptoms at present: sexual dysfunction, bladder and bowel difficulties, migraine headaches, muscle weakness on one side, leg tremors especially while walking down stairs also in bed, huge involuntary muscle jerks in arm and leg on both side, trouble with vision (HUGE bright orange ball in the centre of visual field that may last 10-15 seconds}, also spasticity (my muscle are so tight), and trouble with walking in that i sometimes tilt to the left. I also have difficulty swallowing. Anyway I had an MRI today and am soooooooo scared it might be MS. I'm freaked, I'm scared. Has anyone else had some of these symptoms . Be honest with what you think about my situation. Thanks from Canada.