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Internal vibtarions

Hi everyone. I have not been diagnosed yet but am going in for a brain, thoracic spine, and cervical spine MRI this week. Has anyone ever gotten internal vibrations and the MS hug at the same time? It's happened 3 times the last 9 months where my upper body feels like it's vibrating but you can't see anything and I feel like there is a tight band around my ribcage. Seems to happen mostly during car rides. I just thought it was maybe my anxiety although my anxiety has not gotten worse. I do have other symptoms (not severe, mostly just my fingers and toes not cooperating) that I've been dealing with for a couple of years so my Doctor wanted to look into it. Let me know, thanks!

  1. I'm glad to hear that you're getting a full MRI scan. They'll provide your doctor and you with some good insight as to what might be going on that's prompting those symptoms. I personally haven't experience the MS hug but I know many others in our community have so they'll hopefully chime in with their experience. In the meantime, here's an article that you might find helpful. It has a really active conversation in the comments below the article so check them out too!
    Alene, Moderator

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