Six months ago I started experiencing numbness in my heal. Doc diagnosed me with joggers foot. In November I woke up with numb feet, hands (both sides). I went to the hospital and I was sent home, it was not a stroke.
Followed up with a neurologist and a brain MRI was done which was clear.
Every lab test you can think of was normal. Doc said it is not neurological.
Currently the numbness comes and goes. One foot is always numb. I saw another neurologist who ordered a spine MRI. She says she does not think it is MS because brain was clear and the fact that the numbness has lasted so long and comes and goes. I have no other issues.
I did have a MRI of the spine 1.5 years ago for back pain which was clear.
I am so scared. Which the doc said could add to the numbness.
My neurologist also said the physical exam was normal.
Could this be MS. If not what else?