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Can a neurologist tell by the lesions of the brain and spine which parts of your body will most likely be affected?

I want to know if after the MRI of the brain and spine can a neurologist actually be able to tell which parts of your body will most likely be affected?

  1. Hi , excellent question! While there are certainly locations where you may get a lesion and be able to have it correspond to a particular issue, it quite that cut and dry. The nervous system is incredibly complex, myelin can be damaged in some areas, but the signal may continue to travel with no issue (or only have issues when there is a particular trigger, like heat, that affects the conductivity of the signal). So while looking at lesions is a good way to determine disease activity, it's really not an accurate way to gauge what issues you will have.

    1. Hello & Thanks, Devin for providing clarity abt. The brain lesions. (sorry it took me a little while to respond due to eye problems)

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