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M.S. claw

I was working security, driving arou.d and I got dizzy, my speech was impaired, and my right hand rolled up weird, my hand put you I. Mind of a claw. They call it the m.s. claw.

  1. That sounds like such a tough and scary experience to go through. The "MS claw" can definitely be alarming, especially when symptoms come on suddenly like that. We have a forum where we discuss this, and it’s often referred to as "The Crow Claw." I think you'll find the illustration really interesting! You can check it out here: Below, you’ll find comments from others who’ve experienced the same thing, so you're definitely not alone. How are you managing these symptoms now, and have you found anything that helps alleviate the pain of the claw? -Latoya (Team Member)

    1. I do not get any other symptoms with the claw. Most of my spasms come from over use of muscle but not always. if a project I was working on uses my hand alot, I will typically get the claw spasm. I have learned the deep massage devices that I can use on multiple parts of my body help. A neck massager that an massage you can use on your toes, fingers, calves etc works great. Also if you done alot of walking, elevate your legs when you sit or lay down before using the massager. I have been able to prevent spams along with increasing my baclofen and gabapentin my nuerologist likes that I search for ways to help my MS symptoms.

      1. During my first outbreak, I experienced what I now know as L'Hermitte's sign to the point that I had to have my head tilted back otherwise I'd experience the shocking, tingling down my arms and legs. That was 36 years ago and thankfully, the only other weird symptom was the sensation of having an invisible heat lamp on one side of my body and the loss of the ability to feel hot or cold on one side. That was about 10 years ago and was short lived and marked my second outbreak.

        1. , yeah, those 'zings' from L'Hermitte's sign can be pretty hard to just ignore until they go away. Ouch!

          I am glad you seemed to have experienced minimal symptoms over the years and I hope that continues to be the case!

          Best, Erin, Team Member.

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