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MS hug

So I get the MS hug a few times a year it seems and they're unbearable with twisting of my spine and the tightening where I can't breathe for up to 6 hours.
My question is when I read about it it says wearing tight clothing helps but during the hug all I want to do is strip everything off because I can't breathe....
Does anybody seem to feel the same as me or does wearing tight clothing actually help it?.

  1. Hi, !

    I am sorry you have to deal with the MS Hug. And, when it comes to dealing with it, I say do what works for you. While tight fitting clothes might work for some people, if it doesn't for you, I think that's ok.

    We have many, many articles and stories in this community on the topic of the MS Hug, but I'll just share this one (and check out the dozens of member comments following the piece) -- I figure that each person experiences MS uniquely, so if what works for you isn't the 'typical' advice, I don't think that's unusual. That said, I do hope you find some other people here that also find tight clothes to not be a great option when facing the dreaded 'Hug'.

    Best, Erin, Team Member.

    1. Thank you. I appreciate the help
      I can't get any one to answer my questions. This helped me. 👍

      1. , you're welcome and I'm sorry if your questions aren't getting answered. If that's happening here, I can tell you that this community kind of ebbs and flows. Sometimes, people are commenting like crazy on posts and sometimes, not as much. I wish I could tell you why this happens, but I don't totally get it myself.

        Our community moderators are always happen to help answer questions, but we won't offer advice, for your safety. And I do hope you start getting some more feedback from community members. I know sometimes getting input from folks who have been there, done that can feel very validating.

        Best, Erin, Team Member.

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