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My symptoms

I have been living with MS pain in my legs for years. The dizziness and the falls. The fatigue is almost every day. I try to be positive but some days it’s just so depressing. People that are close to you don’t understand. I had to go out on disability and that made me angry. I worked for a doctor and ran 2 offices. I was so outgoing and loved my job. Now I hardly see anyone. Was seeing someone for 12 years and the relationship has ended. I sit in this house most of the time alone with my dogs. My friends are gone. I’m angry at MS and you never know from day to day how you’re gonna feel.

  1. Yup, that’s how I feel also. If you do not have ms, you cannot possibly understand the daily challenges. And we are not faking The challenges. Wish we could! From the alarming diagnosis, to the cruel reality of continual losses, I wouldn’t wish this on anybody, except Putin. Each day, I try to do something that I can. Which. Most days is putting on my lip liner after I ask somebody for it. And then there is bath and body work lotion that patiently waits for someone to squeeze out A dime size to apply so generously to my wrist. The rest of my integumentary system is fine; a spray bottle of raspberry slash All over me will make a difference. Ugh, The continual pampering is so selfish of me… brushing my hair, washing my face, brushing my teeth, giving me a drink of water. Or, selfish me asking for a WARM cup of coffee with a non melting straw, because I can’t hold it in my hands. I’m so demanding!!!
    I propose spending 24 hours in an MS body, Just to get a taste of our struggles.
    Whew, that felt so good releasing the crackin.

    1. Release on! This is what we need more of. Perception through the eyes of what someone struggling with MS goes through. I don't think what you mentioned is selfish, it's what you need due to having MS. If you could do it all on your own, I know you would. This was a light taste of what you go through, I'm sure you could have gone way deeper. But for now, we appreciate your input. Hope you're doing well currently. Kindly, Latoya (Team Member)

  2. I'm really sorry to hear about the challenges you're facing living with MS. It's completely understandable to feel frustrated, depressed, and angry about the impact the condition has had on your life. Not being understood by close friends or companions, or losing a job, no one should have to endure this and I hate that this has been your story. I want you to know that we are here for you and any support you may need. Remember that it's okay to have bad days and to feel angry or frustrated. Allow yourself to grieve the losses and changes that MS has brought into your life. But be patient and compassionate with yourself as you navigate this journey. Sending lots of love your way, Latoya (Team Member)

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