Hi, ! Ugh! I am sorry you are dealing with sleep disruption. It definitely is a potential side effect of Ocrevus infusions. Some side effects may go away as your body adjusts to the treatment, but some may not. And you may find that you always experience some sleepless nights following an infusion, but I would definitely talk to your doctor about this issue. Sometimes, the nurses at the place you received your infusion will have some great suggestions. You can do all the usual things for creating a good sleep environment (no screens before bed, limit caffeine intake in the evening, etc), but that may not help, since this may be more of an internal issue, if that makes sense. I would also definitely check with your doctor or pharmacist before trying any over-the-counter remedies like melatonin or TylenolPM, etc.
I'm sorry I can't offer any great, sure fire tips to help you sleep, but I do hope the issue is temporary and you are sleeping better by now!
Best, Erin, MultipleSclerosis.net Team Member.