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Hi everyone. I am new to this group. I was diagnosed with RRMS in 2017 and informed that I now have PPMS. I have been on Ocrevus for 5 years now and recently I have stopped taking it. I am attempting to try a natural approach and see how that goes. Does anyone have any advise for me. I am scared of PPMS and I just feel alone and confused right now.

  1. Hi . My heart goes out to you, but please know you are not alone. We have several members and some advocates with PPMS who I hope will alleviate some of your fears. Just as with RRMS, every journey with PPMS is different. You might progress very slowly with no changes for long periods of time or you might progress more quickly. The fact that you MS is progressive doesn't mean it will always progress. It just means that their is no rebounding from progression. It's the uncertainty that really seems to make it so difficult, regardless of the type of MS. Here is an article from one of our advocates that you might find interestin: Was there anything in particular that made you decide to take a natural approach? Do you have a plan in mind or are you looking for advice about natural treatments? Here is an article about natural treatments from our editorial team: I hope this helps and that you will feel a little more at ease after you have had time to process your change in diagnosis. Thinking of you and sending lots of gentle hugs your way. - Lori (Team Member)

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