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How do you people that use a wheelchair go to the restroom when you are out?

How do you people that use a wheelchair go to the restroom when you are out? There are too many public restrooms that do not accommodate people in wheelchairs. Just wondering how you deal with it. I just don't go anywhere because if it.

  1. Hi Kimmiesue1961,
    thank you so much for your question. While waiting for some response from the community, I thought I would share an article that hopefully will be of some help to you.

    All the best, and thanks once more for the question....Janus

    1. Hello,. Kimmiesue, 8 years I had reconstructive surgery first my left foot and leg and a second one Right foot & leg (long before I had an MS diagnosis) l also had lamb hands and didn't think that crutches would be a good choice for me, so I went online and found a 3 well disability scooter, so I know what you're talkin about one thing that I found out what's that most Subway shops have clean large single commode bathrooms, I live in the city of Lancaster PA . So when I was in town I could also use the restrooms in any of the city government buildings and by law they have to have bathrooms for people that have challenges also because Lancaster has become a tourist attraction I also found many of the hotel's welcoming, there's always bathrooms located in their lobbies and usually are single commode bathrooms & not stalls.

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