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I was a very active single man.
It was only after being diagnosed that I realized what some of my issues were.
I told some of my friends. & Family.
I didn't tell too many people. Their reactions ended up being more negative.
I did my research and would tell them "You Can't catch it" it didn't change people's attitudes. It just seemed to add to my own anxieties. I could write a book on my personal issues with friends, coworker & romantic issues.

  1. I am so sorry the response of some of your friends and family to your diagnosis was so unhelpful, .

    Unfortunately, you are not alone in this experience. And, while this is a club I am sure you wish you had never joined, you are definitely not alone when it comes to being a man diagnosed with MS. We have a fair amount of men here that live with MS. One of our most popular contributors, Devin Garlit, has written extensively on the challenges of MS and how it has affected his life -- He doesn't pull any punches and discusses it all, including work, sex, dating, etc. That said, if you ever feel compelled to write that book, please do! We can always use more voices educating the world about MS. And, if you don't feel like writing a book but want to share more about yourself and your MS, you can always post a story here --

    Thank you again for sharing! And rest assured no one here will turn their back on you for having MS. This community gets it.

    Best, Erin, Team Member.

    1. thanks for being willing and open to share your experience. I know it's one that many people in our community here can relate to.

      It is unfortunate how uneducated people are about MS. The fact that it's an invisible and unpredictable disease certainly doesn't help the cause either.

      I'm glad that you're part of this community here so you can connect with people who "get it" and can hopefully help you to feel a little less alone with MS.

      I see that Erin shared a great resource for you here, so I hope that you find that helpful. This community shares a wealth of real life, very relatable experiences.
      - Alene, moderator

      Please read our rules before posting.