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Looking for answers.

Hi all,

Hope you are all well.

I'm not entirely sure where to start to be honest!

I have been having symptoms for a couple of years that I haven't really paid much mind to, I usually just shrug them off and carry on but now it's becoming almost daily.

Currtent symptoms are all follows:

Tingling on various parts of body including face and mouth, tongue.

Skin crawling sensations across my body including scalp, feet, thighs.

Wet sensations on my legs that has me looking to see if something has splashed on me but there's never anything there.

Lots of muscle twitching on various parts of body, it's like having a mini jack hammer attached!

Occasional leg jerk that catches me by surprise.

I feel like I have had some issues with speech over the years but again, I just shrug it off.

I have been to the drs regarding above symptoms snd had blood tests run which ruled out B12 deficiency. Iron was fine, folate was low. The dr wants me to take a supplement for a month and see how I go.

I feel like they are so chill about it like it's all in my head or something. Has anyone else faced this same problem?

What else could possibly cause these symptoms? The thing thay made me start to google what was going on was when I started experiencing the wet sensations. Very odd.


  1. I should also note that the blood tests covered random glucose, inflammatory markers, full blood count etc. All of which was fine.

    Also I have experienced electric shock pains from moving my head occasionally and it shoots off to the left.

    1. Hi . It can be hard to get doctors to take these types of symptoms seriously sometimes, so you might have to step up and advocate for yourself. The symptoms you describe could be related to MS, but there are several other health conditions that mimic MS and might be the source. Please don't let any doctor tell you it's all psychological. The sensations you are experiencing are typical of nerve-related issues and are real. You can start by having a serious discussion with your doctor about exploring possible causes further and maybe referring you to a neurologist. If your doctor dismisses you, you might want to consider a second opinion. I am going to share two articles that might interest you. This is about the diagnostic process for MS: This is about health conditions that mimic MS and should be ruled out: I hope this helps and that you get answers and relief soon. Best of all wishes! - Lori (Team Member)

    2. , I just want to echo what Lori shared. She offered some great insight. Please don't quit advocating for yourself and your health. I know it's hard and it's draining, but you're worth the fight! Best, Erin, Team Member.

  2. Yep, many people get sloughed off as not having MS, to later get an MS diagnosis. The trick for me was getting a neuro referral! I ended up having to go have a private-pay MRI (in a publicly funded healthcare system) to get my answer, which was what I suspected, MS. It was worth it.

    1. Hi ! I believe you are new to the community. So, first I want to say welcome and that we are glad you found us. I see you are already diving right in and offering wonderful insight and support. Please let me know if you need anything at all. I am glad you advocated for yourself and got that MRI. I hope you are on a good treatment plan now and that your symptoms are as under control as they can be. Wishing you the very best! - Lori (Team Member)

    2. Thanks, much appreciated Lori, I'll keep trying to get myself up to speed with community resources and links and keep trying to improve my support skills. 😀

  3. Thanks everyone for your kind replies. It honestly makes you doubt yourself when they treat you like you are making it up. Today I was sat there and had a buzzing sensation around the left side of my top lip and multiple muscle twitches all over my body, I can physically see my body moving with the twitches so it's very real. I will go back to the drs and push for more.

    1. , you're welcome. I completely understand, my path to diagnosis was problematic because I didn't present with any "classic" signs of MS (that GPS were used to looking for like optic neuritis) at the outset (first symptom was horrible rolling vertigo, which 93% of is benignly related related to ears/peripheral (source linked below), so I couldn't get a doctor to take me seriously or refer to neuro despite clear signs of the vertigo being central/brain-related with ataxic walk (and I worked with PTs warning me of what I already knew). There are also lots of MS mimics too that could explain my symptoms, those had to be ruled out. It may take some time but if you keep self-advocating you can get your diagnosis. I'll send some positive vibes your way that you get an answer soon!

      Source for 93% of vertigo mention:


  4. I understand the 'wet' feeling. Most of the time, I feel like I am walking in water. Not hard to move but the sensations of my feet actually being wet. I was dx'd 25 years ago. The wet feeling has been in the last 8-10 years now. I was upgraded to Secondary Progressive last year.

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