Has anyone else had seizures? I was diagnosed 24 years ago, had various symptoms, now I'm on GIlenya, wasn't experiencing much in the line of symptoms until I had 2 seizures last year, and now 2 this year. And they are not the muscle jerking convulsions, I have atonic seizures, I black out completely and go totally limp. Then come out of it and remember nothing. I've given myself a black eye twice this year, blacking out, falling over and hitting my head on my keyboard tray. I work full time, from home, as a software engineer, each time I black out it's around 11:30 in the morning, I had a UTI, was taking antibiotics, which I totally hate because they rip my stomach up. So I had felt bad from not eating because my stomach was torn up from antibiotics, when I blacked out. I've had 2 EEGs, each time came back completely normal - but after having 2 this year, now I've lost my license for 6 months and started taking anti-seizure meds that leave me rather whacked out. Each time I've also had an MRI, no new lesions no MS activity.
I think this is from the antibiotics to treat the UTIs, just wondering if anyone else has had these types of seizures?