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Sexual enhancements

MS has completely destroyed my sexual appetite. Have any of you experienced this feeling? Have you tried any pills or other avenues to help correct your situation? Results?

  1. Hi, !

    It's good to see you posting again! First, I know I am not a man, but the topic of sex and MS comes up a lot in this community and we have a lot of information geared just towards men. I won't pretend to know what it's like to be in your shoes, but I wanted to share some articles from men who do know what it's like. Some of these pieces touch on libido and some are more focused on the mechanics of sex, but I thought I would include a little bit of everything, just to cover the bases..

    Devin Garlit, one of our former contributors, has written quite openly on this topic -- and --

    And here's a piece on the mechanics of MS and sex, specifically for men --

    You are definitely not alone in this and I hope some of our men chime in here and share their stories and experiences with this issue. Although not the same, in my relationship, we have found that pharmaceuticals and supplements don't help my partner as much with the desire to have sex, just the physical ability to have sex, if that makes sense. Tackling libido issues can be a little tricky, but definitely worth it!

    Best, Erin, Team Member.

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