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Kelly McNamara
Last Updated:
Whether it’s traveling for vacation or traveling to the next doctor’s appointment, traveling while managing MS can be quite difficult and requires a lot of preparation. Do you still travel? How do you manage stress while traveling? What struggles do you face, and have you found any helpful tips? We want to hear your experiences!
jlnewport Member
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My biggest problem right now is my spastic legs. Even with stops to let me walk around, it's impossible to enjoy the ride, whether by car or plane. Once we get there will it be possible for me to use my scooter to get around? Maybe someplace to rent a scooter? We all know there are places that a scooter is just not possible.
I would love to visit my son in NYC but when I see the obstacles that would face makes me tired just thinking about it. Maybe someone would have tips for me if I were to travel there?
CommunityMember1823 Member
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nancyw421 Member
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Julie, I live about an hour from NYC and have been there many times. My most recent trip was to take my grandchildren to Rockefeller Center to The Lego store. I do not have mobility problems and agree that could be an issue. I plan my trips with frequent stops to rest and manage my fatigue. There are lots of mass transit ways to get around but I am not sure about the scooter.
On this particular trip, we drove the car to Weehauken, NJ and took the ferry over the Hudson River. I think this is a good way to get to Manhattan. A scooter would not be a problem getting on and off the boat and the view of the skyline is breathtaking.
Once there, we boarded a bus that makes a loop around Manhattan. It is included in the price of the ferry ticket. I did not notice if the bus had a lift. We got off and had lunch at a pizza shop. The food options are unlimited. But some of the restaurants are tiny and crowded.
Then we walked to Rockefeller Center. There is an elevator there that can take you down to anunderground mall with food, shops and bathrooms.
After that we walked to the Large public library at Bryant Park and took an elevator to the kids section, where the kids looked at books and I rested. Then, we sat in the park til the ferry bus came by and took us back to the ferry.
In general, the sidewalks in Manhattan are scooter accessible. They may be crowded. Do a little research before you go and choose your destinations carefully and you will be fine. There are busses and taxis if you don't want to walk.
venetta Member
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I prefer planes brecause there are more options as to where I can travel, and planers are the fastest way to get there. No bathroom stops as there are bathrooms on the plane, and the next thing I know, I'm there. The only problem I have with planes is that they are making the seating smaller, and it is not very comfortable. Especially when you have a bad leg that needs to be stretched out.
Kim Dolce Member
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Silver Oma Member
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colette4 Member
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I prefer trains. I have always liked trains. The ride is smooth, the views out the windows are usually unique, it's easy to just read away and sometimes one can get into conversations with their seatmate or the people around them. It's the only way to travel these days.
Doreen H Community Admin
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Train travel can be quite challenging in itself, adding a service dog sounds 10x more difficult. It's frustrating to hear that you haven't found accommodations for a SD. ~Doreen (Team Member)
Silver Oma Member
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