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Suspicious of MS 3 years after MRIs, what were your early symptoms?

Hello group,
I am not diagnosed with MS, but a varying number of "episodes" over the last couple of years keep me coming back to research MS stories and symptoms I can relate to, and I am feeling a bit lost on where to turn. In late 2020 I had a very sudden and debilitating experience with parasthesias and fatigue, physical pain, vision changes etc. I was referred to Emergency, then to a neurologist who ordered MRIs to rule out possible MS lesions. All came back clean except brain lesions related to migraine. No evidence of optic neuritis. All this pain and fatigue lasted about 2-3 months then miraculously disappeared. Since then I have had smaller incidents of parasthesia, electrical feelings in limbs and weird pressure around my chest. Most recently I woke up with bad pain and heaviness in my left leg/hip, difficulty walking and doing stairs. A type of pain running through the leg and calf like its too hot or too cold with pins and needles. There is also throbbing or small spasms, only on my left side. I went and saw a Dr. He was baffled. He ordered an xray which looked ok but his exam and my visible pain was as he said, akin to a broken leg. I am still having issues with this leg mostly the upper thigh groin / outer hip area. Has anyone here with MS had anything similar ? I know there are many conditions that mimic each other, so I'm just trying to learn what I can in hopes of researching in the right direction. Thank you.

  1. Hi, ! I know how frustrating it can be to have all these symptoms and not have a firm diagnosis (and treatment plan)! I hope you get some helpful feedback from other community members.

    And, I have some thoughts. Have you had a lumbar puncture procedure done (also sometimes referred to as a spinal tap)? This test is sometimes used when MRI results are inconclusive or conflicting. Here's some information on the procedure -- And, people with MS can definitely experience and be diagnosed with migraines, so there could be some symptom overlap going on there.

    Please keep in mind I am not a medical professional and don't want to give medical advice to you. You already mentioned that there are conditions that mimic MS. I don't know if you've seen our information on those conditions, but here's a link -- I would consider getting tested for those and ruling them out. Some on the list you may be able to rule out right away and others can be diagnosed (or ruled out) with a blood test. Others may require more involved testing. You are definitely dealing with something painful and you deserve a proper diagnosis and treatment!

    I know it's exhausting, hang in there and keep pushing for answers!

    Best, Erin, Team Member.

    1. Thank you , I appreciate the helpful links!
      No, I have not had a lumbar puncture nor was that ever suggested in my time with the neurologist. She thought my brain lesions were normal for my age (43 then) and migraine history and that I should take some vitamins, even though I had had multiple blood tests by then that ruled out deficiency, so I just never went back to her.

      1. , hmmmm. I don't want to criticize a medical professional, but I think she may have misread your situation. While the aging brain can develop lesions, you are still quite young to be getting lesions. And believe me, I would love it if taking vitamins were the fix for most health conditions, but that's generally not the case (and, I take vitamins daily, so I'm not just hating on vitamins).

        I think you should keep seeking answers, but it's your choice as to how you proceed from here.

        Best, Erin, Team Member.

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