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Switching back to flip phones.

Quik note, if dream of switching to a flip phone to cut back on the distractions, stress, grief, etc you get from social media, that is not isolated to the MS community, you are not crazy to think this, this is a growing trend for all groups.

  1. Hi . Wise words. Even my college-aged kids have started to pocket their phones and ignore them. They are tired of being "on" 24/7 and they just want more simplicity in their lives. I really miss my old flip phone for a lot of reasons and that is one of them. Warmly, Lori (Team Member)

    1. - I never upgraded. I love and can operate my flip phone. I don't need anything more.

    2. Good for you! I wish I still had mine! - Lori (Team Member)

  2. Hi, ! I kept my 'dumb' phone (as we called it) for as long as humanly possible! I had to eventually upgrade to access group chats and emails while out and about, but I keep zero social media apps on my phone and our house rule is "no phones in bedrooms". It works for us, but I keep a couple of the old dumb phones in a drawer, just in case 😉

    Best, Erin, Team Member.

    1. I've ordered the flip phone, it should be here quickly. Perhaps I'll write a story about it and post it here.

      1. Awesome, ! Please do post. I would love to know how you feel about switch back to one. Best wishes. - Lori (Team Member)

    2. I've set it up, I feel a certain liberation from the time-suck of the smart phone from cognitive and emotional problems. But I also feel I should now buy a full time beet farm, part time B&B (some will get the joke immediately, some never. Pardon my weird sense of humor in a serious discussion)

      1. Thanks for brightening my day with your Office reference, ! I hope you enjoy your newfound freedom. Best wishes. - Lori (Team Member)

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