Hi Everybody in our MS world,
I have had MS for quite a few years now & have a lot of the "usual" symptoms, eg, balance problems, stiffness & soreness, brain fog, extreme weakness & exhaustion, heavy legs, sore feet, numb patches of surface skin in various places, clumsiness when reaching for something or dropping things & so it goes on but I have developed the symptoms
below as well now & wonder if anyone else has them?
When I am standing still for longer than 5 mins, eg, showering or standing in front of the bathroom mirror doing my hair, then my left thigh goes numb. If I sit down, the numbness goes away.
The second thing has only started about 2 months ago - the skin on my right thigh has gone numb & stays numb all the time. But, at the same time my muscle under the skin is very sore all the time. sometimes so sore I can hardly touch it. Also, quite frequently I get a painful sensation in the muscle like it's being stabbed and/or there are a thousand sharp needles stabbing me there.
The first time it happened, it woke me up in bed because it was excruciatingly painful all over and I was so beside myself with the pain, so I had to take painkillers, which I try not to do generally. I couldn't believe what was happening to my thigh at the time - thankfully that extreme pain has died down but the muscle is now always sore with the stabbing/needles intermittently with the numb skin as well - weird.
Has anyone else experienced this or similar?
Look forward to your replies with interest.
Best regards, Lynne (Perth, Western Australia)