Hi ,
When it comes to symptoms, sure, they can seem to disappear at times. For example, after an exacerbation, many seemingly return to a condition close to what they were before. As exacerbations and damaged myelin add up, that becomes a bit more difficult. Once that myelin (the insulated layer around the nerves that is attacked during an MS exacerbation) is damaged or destroyed, it can't be repaired. That's why there is an emphasis to avoid this damage by taking a disease modifying medication. Once the damage is done though, it's not necessarily the end of the world. A life with MS is a life of adapting, finding new ways do do things and learning your body. You'll find, over time, that if you avoid certain triggers (https://multiplesclerosis.net/living-with-ms/what-to-know-about-ms-triggers/), you can really minimize the impact of your symptoms.