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The question this month is does the doctor listing to you?

Over the past 22 year of diagnosis, I feel as though it took me four Neurologist to finally find one who not only listens but truly understands Multiple Sclerosis, bc those are the only patients he sees. However, even he has a bit of an in formation gap between what I say about my symptoms and his chosen proof. Since he also does studies, if I mention a symptom that isn’t in any of the studies he has read, he will politely smile and shake his head and deny that the symptom is MS related but my be something else. Usually it take 10 years for physicians to discover that what MSer have been complaining about are in face MS related. Since he’s he’s extremely polite - and it’s difficult to find a physician specializing in MS & Myelin disorders - I let it slide knowing he will come back in a few years with a new study that confirms what me other members of the MS community have been saying. If the neurologist you see doesn’t specialize in MS, you are wasting your time with treatment. Good Wished & Blessings- Suzanne

  1. ,
    Hi Suzanne,
    Thanks for reaching out.
    Gosh, that can certainly get frustrating when your doctor dismisses your symptoms.
    You words of advice are truly appreciated.
    Wishing you all the best, Doreen (Team Member)

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