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Tipping over on my face

Hello again! it’s hopeless again… One thing I forgot to mention in my post yesterday was I started having a new symptom and I would like an opinion please.
I could be just walking from my bedroom to the kitchen and sort of bend down to pick up some thing or scratch my knee or something and suddenly I just fall over or I’m at a squatting position. I have no spinal stability. I due to a failed lumbar fusion laminectomy, so if I am in a squat and lean forward to pick up a leaf or a flower, I literally fall over on my face, sometimes can fall at either side! It’s very disturbing symptom because I was alone in the house one day and I tipped over on my gravel driveway then I guess blocked out and lied there for God knows how long till I woke up. Is this a symptom of MS please let me know.

  1. I'm really sorry to hear that you’re experiencing this new and unsettling symptom, . While we can not give you direct medical advice, suddenly losing balance or falling over when squatting or leaning forward could very well be related to MS, as it can affect coordination, balance, and muscle control. It will be crucial to discuss this with your healthcare provider as soon as possible. They can determine whether this new symptom is related to your MS, your spinal issues, or if it's something else entirely. It also might be helpful to keep a record of when these incidents occur, what you were doing, and any other symptoms you experience at the same time, so you can provide your doctor with detailed information. In the meantime, I am going to leave you with an article written by one of our contributors named, Devin who wrote about his experience with MS and falling- You may find it informative while you search for answers. Please take extra care of yourself, especially when you’re alone, and try to avoid situations where you might be at risk of falling. Your safety is the most important thing! I hope you can get some clarity and support from your healthcare team soon. All the best, Latoya (Team Member)

    1. Sadley the last 1 MRI’s aa me the new lesions and DIT & DIS all coincided with the new symptoms with the new lesions. There isn’t much room left for lions to grow along with my illnesses.!
      Sadly, I feel one of these days- I can see myself just stopping living… I will keep going, but I will continue to have no life! Two grandchildren, each two and four and one on the way in two weeks and I never get a chance to enjoy them. My. Definition of hopeless, is my doctor, retiring and holding back permanent information, bloodwork and test from me while taking my medical file and storing it in her basement only for one more year! Gaslighting me… was her best quality and did it very well blaming me for forgetting to send me for back surgery after three years of having an MRI stating it fracture I had was too long four years too long, but the surgeon said I’ll probably never ever get the pain to go away because it was so such a dislocation fracture that I lived with for that four years!. Even the hospital. Doctors couldn’t do anything. Wouldn’t do anything instead they just “ tonight, my human rights and as a patient in their hospital for the last 35 years! So much to live for, but so a little to look forward to!
      I apologize for ranting, but I sit in this bed 24 seven with no company no visitors no grandchildren and all I wanna do is get better. I pray every day that I will get better if not get mobile to get out.
      Again, I’m sorry thank you hopeless

    2. thanks for having the courage to share your honest experience with MS. It's certainly not easy or pretty on a day to day basis. I see that Latoya offered some great advice but I just wanted to say that you've taken a really important step of connecting with a community of people who get it. Yes, MS can create limitations, especially to socially connect with others, but we are living in a time that it's also never been easier to connect with others without having to leave our home or even our bed! That is a blessing and can be so helpful in giving and receiving hope with each other. So, I just wanted to say that I'm really glad that you're here and part of this community.
      Alene, Moderator

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