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Undiagnosed but getting assessed

I've 22F been feeling worse over the last 2 years and just chalking it up to my depression. Last year I decided to get worked up for autoimmune and nothing. The past month I've been feeling worse and having new symptoms that are attributed to ms and as I've been reading more about it I'm more concerned now that this could be the cause. I've been staying on the couch for months because it's too tiring to walk and stand or move around much. My back has been hurting for years and years but they found nothing wrong on an xray and inflammation tests.

Everyday often now I'm getting nerve tingling sensations in different areas on my body. Some nights my whole thigh has this inner numb and bruise feeling that I cannot lay on it. I keep getting headaches and passing out throughout the day uncontrollably, seemingly whenever it gets too hot in the room. The past 2 days I had bad eye pain in my left eye and hurts to move it. This has calmed down mildly today. My face feels numb in some spots and this seems permanent since I've noticed months ago. I'm also very confused at times and seem jumbled when I try to talk to people and seem very flustered. I can't remember things happening or things I've said. I have a hard time remembering when something has happened when asked. A few months ago I noticed I woke up with both eyes bloodshot. I have had chronic constipation for years. A few months ago I felt like I was having a stroke for 5 minutes, but I was fine after so didn't get checked. I stood up and had a severe headache, and my face felt numb and I felt extremely confused and couldn't talk right, I felt high and had to sit down while it went away.

I don't know what's wrong with me and I'm scared, but it seems since reading about ms I feel hopeful, but also doomed to feel that nothing will come back proving anything when I get checked out. I brought these symptoms up to my doctor yesterday especially because of the nerve tingling feelings throughout the day, in my wrists and cheek and thigh, legs, and my pinky went numb yesterday. She told me I need to make an appointment quick to be assessed and there were no appointments available, so I was told to go to an urgent care. I haven't done that yet but feeling like it's going to go nowhere again like all the times I've been hopeful about getting autoimmune tests done in the past and feeling like I'm getting nowhere.

  1. , first off, welcome! I am glad you found us. Secondly, I don't blame you for feeling scared. It's pretty disconcerting when all these things are going on in your body and you don't know why.

    Also, I would definitely follow up about getting an appointment asap. I know there weren't any timely appointments available, but it may help to get one scheduled, even if it is a ways out. Also, you could take her advice and go to urgent care, although the staff/office may not be equipped to deal with your situation. I don't know where you are located, by the urgent cares where I live are best at handling small things, like mild illnesses and rashes and the occasional cut that requires stitches. They aren't equipped to handle major issues and will just send a person to the ER or hospital.

    Getting some testing done will most likely help. A physician will want to rule out a number of conditions that share symptoms with MS. You can read about those here --

    I know it's hard to keep pushing for answers, especially when you have been dealing with this for two years, but your best bet is to be the 'squeaky wheel', if that makes sense.

    I hope you are able to get an appointment soon (have you asked about being put on a cancellation list? They will call folks on the cancellation list if a person is unable to keep their appointment). Please hang in there and keep us posted, if you feel comfortable doing so.

    Best, Erin, Team member.

    1. hey, I went to the urgent care and they told me to go down the hall to the emergency department so I am sitting here now. They just took me to get an mri done on my head so I hope I find something out. Thank you for your words

    2. Hi . I am so glad you went to the Urgent Care and now the ER. It might have taken a long time to get an MRI otherwise. I hope you get a diagnosis, regardless of whether it's MS, and can get started on a treatment plan quickly. As scary as a diagnosis can be, it can also be a huge relief just to know what you are dealing with and how to address it. Please keep us posted if you feel comfortable doing so. Erin and I both will be thinking of you. - Lori (Team Member)

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