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vision symptoms ?

hello everyone, I havent yet been diagnosed with MS, Im seeing my doctor re muscle twitches all over my body all day everyday, muscles aches, fatigue I have had for about 18months now that worsens and if I rest eases but it always there to some degree, brain fog - I get stuck on words I am trying to say like i cant get the word out, hot and cold episodes, and now I have visual symptoms of these dark specs that change in size and shape in the middle of my eye and follows my eye movement in one eye only. I also get tender eyes when looking to the sides.
The reason I am writing on here is because im wondering about these visual symptoms .. and if anyone gets these type of disturbances in your eyes? I have seen the usual vision symptoms are blurriness, twitching or washed out colours .. not a grey or dark splodge.
I am 34 also... what age were people diagnosed at? earlier, later or similar?

Thank you Im just trying to educate myself if it turns out this is what I have.

  1. I feel for you, and I'm sorry for what you are experiencing! I am also still undiagnosed, first symptoms started probably 2008, first MRI 2010, and heading back for another MRI next month (with the last year being a real struggle with symptoms and the medical community). I too see grey and black blobs, dots, and lines in my field of vision. Those started in 2009 for me. I went to the optometrist, then the opthalmologist, then the neuro-opthamologist. Had my eyes scanned, my optic nerve tested, my topographical eye scan, and nothing has come back abnormal. All of the doctors I've seen for this issue have said that it's probably neurological.

    But I'm still waiting for answers and still fighting.

    I have no answers for you, but I feel your pain. And offer you my support. I hope that you are able to get some testing and some answers. BTW, just for reference, I'm 39 now and have been experiencing symptoms since I was 24 I think.


    1. Thank you so much for your reply. Talking about it and reading your guys replies really helps in a way of support and ease like a feeling of not being alone you know? I can definitely seek an appt with an opthalmologist to rule out other things for sure. I have no pain with the blotches in my eye. I do get an ache generally in my eye sometimes when looking to the sides like they feel tender. Hard to explain all these things sometimes isnt it. but yeah i dont have pain with these things that are in my vision if that makes sense.

      I am so sorry you have had to go through this for such a long time. I did feel a little defeated reading this. It must of been really hard.

      I really appreciate your support and helping me less alone.

      Thank you so much!

      right time to finish work. Hope today has been a good one for you guys! - Thank you so much for your post too, i will reply when i am home - i am so grateful for both of yours response! THANK YOU!

    2. it's been a challenge sometimes. But generally the spots and splotches and flashers don't bother me too much. They show up more when I'm tired. All of the doctors that I saw to check my vision and eyeballs were before MS was suggested to me. If I had seen the original neurologist first, I would have just gone to the opthalmologist to ensure that my eyeballs were healthy.

      It does help having a community to turn to, to be able to speak your truth and receive honest feedback and support.

      I'm sending positivity your way! πŸ’œπŸ’œ

  2. also, if you haven't seen an opthalmologist, please do. Black splotches and smudges can also be a symptom of retinal detachment... usually accompanied by quite a lot of pain. My visual symptoms are not due to this, and based on your description I don't think yours are either, but it's always better to be sure. πŸ’œπŸ’œ

    1. Hi, .

      First of all, I am so sorry you are dealing with these symptoms. I am glad you are being proactive and seeing your doctor about what you are experiencing. In addition to the great insight offered, I want to let you know that vision issues can occur with MS. It's important to note that your vision problems may or may not be related to a potential diagnosis of MS, so please consider checking in with an eye doctor as well. Here's a little information on the vision problems a person with MS may experience -- This information is just a start and doesn't get in depth about vision issues and MS, so keep that in mind.

      Again, I think you are on the right track seeing your doctor. Please make sure you share all of the symptoms you are experiencing or have experienced and don't let your concerns be dismissed.

      Good luck and keep us posted on how you are doing and how your appointment goes, if you feel comfortable doing so.

      Best, Erin, Team member.

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