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What could help MS care most immediately?

Aside from a cure, what do you think would help improve MS health outcomes most immediately? What should be the priorities in MS research to help us right now.

  1. Well, aside from a cure (or more effective treatment in general), I think there are definitely some other areas that could be beneficial. For one, an easier and quicker way to diagnose MS would be extremely beneficial. There are many people that end up taking way over a year to get diagnosed, which is a lot of time for them not to be on any treatment and ultimately impacts their level of disability later in life.

    Other areas to research that I think would make a big impact are fatigue and mental health, both areas plague people with MS and both tend to have very few sources of relief. Improving either area would really improve the lives of those with MS.

    1. I just wanted to add one more thing, that I think this is a fantastic question. Realistically, a cure may not be in reach anytime soon, but that doesn't mean there aren't other areas that can make a huge difference in MS care and this is a great opening to a discussion for that. Think of how much better some people's lives would be simply by alleviating fatigue. A cure become less important if we can negate the negative effects of the disease.

      1. diagnosis is a huge one. If they could come up with a simple blood test, then regular doctors could diagnose more people leading to sooner treatment to head off progression. MRI is just too expensive and time consuming to be used widely.

        1. Is myelin regeneration a reasonable answer? Or too pie in the sky?

          1. , well, it might be pie-in-the-sky right now, but I sure hope it becomes a reality in our lifetimes!

            Best, Erin, Team Member.

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