My Dr. Says ms..My Nuro says she wants me to see a Nuro Surgeon. What? Why? I only got to talk whith her assistant who knew nothing. Here are some of my symptoms- jelly legs, numbness in hands, lost all feeling in one leg, (didn't know if I would get it back) pins & needles which never stop, but at times so bad my face, hair, lips and tongue are even effected, fatigue at times I can't stand and when I can I can barely walk, stabbing pains like knives stabbing thru my body. And most recently, The Hug. Which for it was no hug. I felt as tho all my organs were being squeezed together and I was trembling inside. These still aren't all my symptoms but I'm sure you all know the rest.
But after the assistant relayed my concerns to my Nuro she said, well it could be a nerve disease?? Well Isn't MS a nerve disease?? This all happened after my MRI's today. And to top it off I have new lesions.
I feel like screaming and crying at the same time. My husband says now we need to go to a MS Specialist.