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Wonderful day

Good afternoon, I just uploaded photo from my favorite Punk band "Bad Religion ". I had a wonderful time hanging out with my family. As you can see I was on crutches, I literally couldn't walk for at least two days after.
It was worth the pain, because my brother was there that took me to first show in Houston in 1991. Also just to ne able to hangout with my boys and husband! The best thing was too, the security guy saw me in line beeline towards me and bought me to front of line. They gave me and my hubby a wristband straight to ADA section, where I realized on the "Bad Religion " page there was a couple there. We actually have now started talking on Facebook and so happy I met someone that enjoys same music and also has MS.
I just wanted to share something that turned out to be positive, because rarely do I ever go out at all in the evening. Myself with Family at Bad Religion Concert

  1. THIS IS AWESOME! From beginning to end, I can just feel how great of an experience this was for you. I'm so glad you decided to share this amazing moment with us. Not only were you accommodated appropriately, you made a friend! It's like it was a divine connection just bound to happen! I simply love this for you because having someone that "gets you" is so important to have. And while you're at it, invite them to join us here too! We'd love to have them in our community! I look forward to hearing another amazing story from you! All the best, Latoya (Team Member)

    1. Thank you so very much Latoya, it meant the world to me and no way was I missing my favorite band! I believe that too about the o divine connection I made with someone!! Your are the sweetest and thank you for your kind words 💛

      1. thank you for bringing sunshine to our community today! The joy you experienced from this concert with your family is shining through your picture and your post. You truly embody the meaning of resilience. Thank you for being this great example to us today!
        Alene, Moderator

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