Multiple Sclerosis 101: Understanding the Immune SystemThe immune system is a fascinating and complex thing! In fact, scientists still have a lot to learn about the immune system and autoimmune diseases. But we do know it...Reactions0reactionsComments7 comments
MS Fatigue - When My Tank is on EmptyA newly diagnosed person was asking about fatigue and I went looking for information to share. In the process, I learned a few new things about MS fatigue, but first...Reactions0reactionsComments64 comments
Nuvigil: Is My Solution My Problem?I not long ago talked about MS-related fatigue and lassitude; I mentioned how taking Nuvigil (Armodafinil) seems to be my personal solution to my fatigue/lassitude. What I may not have...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Multiple Sclerosis 101: Understanding the Nervous SystemI have a theory that education leads to empowerment, and empowerment leads to people being good advocates for themselves and improved health overall. It can be hard for healthcare providers...Reactions0reactionsComments7 comments
Accepting the Need for Mobility AssistanceLet’s face it, dealing with the changes to life that multiple sclerosis brings is hard enough but when the day comes that you may start having trouble with mobility those...Reactions0reactionsComments14 comments
The Problem with ProgressionOf late, the MS has been giving me a pretty good a** whuppin'. It's getting harder for me to stumble around my apartment, and I'm pretty close to making the...Reactions0reactionsComments3 comments
Is MS Pain Real?I think that there is a lot of contradiction on this specific topic/symptom when it comes to MS. For a long time, it was believed that those with MS did...Reactions0reactionsComments73 comments
My Interview With Dr. Terry Wahls on Healthy Eating and Adopting Healthy BehaviorsAs a co-moderator of an active private MS Facebook group, I lend my voice by posting articles on the latest research, and sharing articles that I write, about living with...Reactions0reactionsComments6 comments
How Old Am I Again?Some days, I have to remind myself that I’m a young girl in her mid-20s. Some days, my body makes me feel like I’m much older than I really am...Reactions0reactionsComments2 comments
Moving into Menopause with MS: Double Your Pleasure, Double Your FunStarting in December 2013, when winter launched itself in SE Michigan with single digit temps and hat-high piles of snow, my mother and I locked horns in a power struggle...Reactions0reactionsComments7 comments
The Psychology of Living With Chronic PainA shocking 67% of people with multiple sclerosis know what it is like to live with chronic pain. There are many different causes of MS pain such as muscle spasms, MS “hugs”,migraines...Reactions0reactionsComments15 comments
That Crazy Itch You Just Can't SatisfyIt’s the height of the summer and everybody in our household is feeling the heat. I tend to melt like a snowflake while Rob can’t get enough of the sun...Reactions0reactionsComments26 comments
You Know You Have MS WhenYou are probably all too familiar with the typical symptoms associated with having multiple sclerosis (MS). Things like spasticity, problems thinking, fatigue, and difficulty with mobility, among many others. However...Reactions0reactionsComments61 comments
It All Depends...What am I talking about when I say, “It all depends…” Well, exactly that. Whether I’m making plans, answering how I’m feeling, deciding to go to the store, etc. Every...Reactions0reactionsComments2 comments
In Search of the Perfect Pair of Shoes"A shoe is not only a design, but it's a part of your body language, the way you walk. The way you're going to move is quite dictated by your...Reactions0reactionsComments17 comments
Practicing Mindfulness May Help Reduce Pain And Stress“Mindfulness is an ancient Buddhist practice which has profound relevance for our present-day lives. This relevance has nothing to do with Buddhism per se…but has everything to do with waking...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Hold and Cold with MS: Body Temperature SwingsThe thermostat in my house is currently registering at 77 Fahrenheit. With all the activity I’ve been involved in today, I’m now sitting here melting at my computer. Meanwhile, my...Reactions0reactionsComments4 comments
Never ApologizeI’m Dying! Or at least that’s what I feel like. MS tends to put me in a fragile wavering psychotic state. Between the optic neuritis, numbness, fatigue, dropping things, tripping...Reactions0reactionsComments14 comments
Fighting MRI FatigueThroughout my life, I have always been affectionately labeled as "accident-prone." Maybe it was because of the time I broke my leg skiing and needed a couple of surgeries to...Reactions0reactionsComments48 comments
Tips I Learned About MS, Pregnancy and Becoming A MotherTwenty-one years ago I became a mother. Finally. After two traumatic miscarriages, a lot of stress and many issues with my MS, I finally became pregnant one more time. I vowed to...Reactions0reactionsComments2 comments