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Could dry mouth and incontinence be related?

I am incontinent. Woke up this morning airy, dry mouth. On my first trip to the bathroom, my incontinence diaper was bone dry (unusual). Could this be related?

  1. Hi @lisasync,

    Urinary dysfunction can be comorbid with MS. The article at the link is an excellent interview with a urologist that looks at all aspects.

    Many members report experiencing dry mouth, but remember that dry mouth is also a common side effect of many medications.

    We would definitely recommend that you speak with your doctor regarding any new or changing symptoms. Thanks for being here! -Warmly, Donna ( team)

    1. Donna, thanks for replying. My doctor wants me to have an new MRI( oh no) Waiting for this year’s insurance to kick in.Will leave a message for her with the nurse.

      1. Hi , oh gosh, yes, that's frustrating, the waiting :-/ Sending good wishes that you're able to get in soon and get some answers and some relief. (((hugs))), Donna ( team)

    2. It's a bad idea not to drink so as not to pee.

      1. , you're right. Not drinking enough will lead to dehydration, which means, yes, less peeing, but that's not a good thing, as you pointed out. We're supposed to urinate a fair amount during the day to maintain optimal health.

        Still, choosing not to drink too much before a major event or outing (so as to avoid accidents) *may* be okay, as long as a person doesn't go too long without hydrating properly.

        Best, Erin, Team Member.

      2. it's such a natural thought process that so many people in our community have. If you don't want to run to the bathroom as much, it's only natural to think about reducing your fluid intake. Unfortunately that can trigger a host of other things, especially constipation. Sometimes it can feel like a three ring circle trying to manage it all!

        One thing that I find helpful is to sip water throughout the day, so I'm not drinking one large amount at any time. I also find that avoiding caffeine helps with the bladder as well.
        Sending you lots of support today!
        Alene, moderator

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