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Helicobacter treatment in MS

I have MS for about 15 years now. Recently I got diagnosed with Helicobacter pylori. According to some studies this germ might play a role in the context of MS.
Now I am looking for people with MS that had Helicobacter and were treated successfully. My question is: did your MS improve the years after the Helicobacter treatment? Or did it progress faster? Or has there been no change in the MS progress?
Would be so glad to receive some answers! Thx a lot, Tom

  1. Hi , thank you so much for reaching out the community. I wish I had some helpful information to share with you about this, but I'm afraid I do not personally know much about helicobacter pylori. I hope other members will share any of their personal experiences with you here. Thanks again for reaching out and please keep us posted on what you discover! Warmest wishes, Shelby, Team Member

    1. Hello Shelby, thank you! I hope I will get some feedback on my question. Best wishes, Tom

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