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Call To Action

Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's, ALS. Most people know about these chronic neurological diseases. All of them do not have a cure, just like multiple sclerosis. But did you know that unlike MS, all of them are the subject of recent Congressional legislation to receive funding for research?

The National Plan To End Parkinson's Disease Act was signed into law on July 2 of this year.

Act For ALS in 2021 and the national plan for Alzheimer's in 2011.

Why are we being left out? Does that make you mad? Mad enough to do something about it?

The Parkinson's Act was passed and signed very quickly because many Parkinson's patients and their caregivers wrote to their Senators and Congressional Representatives to demand governmental assistance to fund research. The Parkinson's legislation was introduced March 2023 and signed July 2, 2024.

I think we can do better. But it will take all of us and our caregivers to make a lot of noise so that Congress will no longer be able to ignore us.

I wrote to my senators and representative. I challenge all of you to do the same. Below is the letter that I wrote. Feel free to use it or modify as you see fit. Personal details about how MS affects you will help.

Thanks for your help.

My name is Elissa Quesada. Unfortunately, I have been living with Multiple Sclerosis for more than 10 years. I am now wheelchair bound.. I recently learned about the National Plan to End Parkinson's Disease Act. I also know about the National Plan to Address Alzheimer's Disease and ACT for ALS. I feel it is now time to take similar action for Multiple Sclerosis.
I read that the estimated annual cost to the country of treating Parkinson's Disease patients is 58 billion dollars.
But according to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society,, the annual cost to the country of treating the approximately one million MS patients is 85.4 billion dollars. Therefore, don't you think it would be worthwhile to create a similar legislation package with a focus on MS? Think of the benefit to the country if one million MS patients could be restored to fully functional employees, making significant contributions to society, instead of being a drain on Social Security Disability funds. In my former life, I worked as a computer programmer, specializing in systems integration.
I know of many MS patients who would be happy to assist with the effort to assemble this legislation.
Thank you for your consideration towards this matter.
Elissa Quesada

On Wed, Aug 14, 2024, 5:49 AM Elissa Quesada wrote:
150 million for cancer moonshot research

On Mon, Aug 12, 2024, 3:59 PM Elissa Quesada wrote:
ALS 2021 and Alzheimer's national plan 2011
PD 2024
PD quick passage March 2023 to July 2024
MS challenge for faster passage

On Sat, Aug 3, 2024, 1:12 PM Elissa Quesada wrote:
My name is Elissa Quesada. Unfortunately, I have been living with Multiple Sclerosis for more than 10 years. I am now wheelchair bound.. I recently learned about the National Plan to End Parkinson's Disease Act. I also know about the National Plan to Address Alzheimer's Disease and ACT for ALS. I feel it is now time to take similar action for Multiple Sclerosis.
I read that the estimated annual cost to the country of treating Parkinson's Disease patients is 58 billion dollars.
But according to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society,, the annual cost to the country of treating the approximately one million MS patients is 85.4 billion dollars. Therefore, don't you think it would be worthwhile to create a similar legislation package with a focus on MS? Think of the benefit to the country if one million MS patients could be restored to fully functional employees, making significant contributions to society, instead of being a drain on Social Security Disability funds. In my former life, I worked as a computer programmer, specializing in systems integration.
I know of many MS patients who would be happy to assist with the effort to assemble this legislation.
Thank you for your consideration towards this matter.
Elissa Quesada

  1. Thanks so much for sharing this information with the community, !

    I hope the activism and efforts of the MS community (and your work, in particular) pay off!

    Thanks again for sharing!

    Best, Erin, Team Member.

    1. Use this link to find your representatives in Congress:

      1. thank you for taking the time to educate us on this and share how we can do something about it. Having your letters as examples and inspiration is helpful.
        Alene, Moderator

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