I've tried various diets over the years to treat my MS. Overcoming MS/Swank, Paleo, Wahls, Leaky gut diet. While some of these have not got my MS under control, some did help and enough to mean that I currently take no drugs for my MS (touch wood)and I'm still able to do a physical job 6 days a week. I've gotten some relief but still have bad moments if I eat/drink certain things. Narrowing that part of it down but still get it wrong sometimes.
I keep researching diets and theories re MS and the one that pops up every now and again is that Candida is responsible for MS. Anyone tried a anti-Candida Diet. Basically you eat foods to kill off the Candida and avoid foods that feed it. Just trying it myself now. Anyone else doing it or have tried it? If yes how did you go.
I'll keep you informed as i go and whether it helps or not.
Love to hear anyone else's feedback on this topic.