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Conversion for hand controls for my car

I live outside of the Spokane Washington area. I have Hereditary Spastic Paraperis. I am looking for funding sources for the conversion for hand controls for my car. Golden West mobility Spokane Washington is the only installer. Quoted me $2995.00 to install. They are the only ones in Eastern Washington. I am on SSDI only for income. I need help.

  1. Hi . I needed hand controls for a short time after foot surgery. I bought them online for less than $300, and then took them to my mechanic, who installed them for less than $100. I could actually have installed them myself, but I wanted to make sure they were safe. That might be an option for you as well. You will have to have someone help you learn to use them though. So, it would be great if you could find a willing friend and a huge empty space for practicing. You will also need to check with your state's department of motor vehicles to find out what the laws are governing hand controls. In some states, you need a doctor's note to use them. Another option is to contact the Navigator service of the National MS Society. They might know of funding sources for this kind of thing. Here is a link: I hope this helps and that you can get back to exercising at the YMCA again. I know it helped and that you miss it. Best of all wishes! - Lori (Team Member)

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