I received my diagnosis this week. I reached out to my sister and mother who were extremely negative. They said it was all in my head (actually it’s all in my spine and optic nerve, brain looks fine), that my long term use of my medications for neuropathy (prescribed by my neurologist for eight months), the combination of vitamins (once again, prescribed), stress of having two children under three, and telling me that I am a hypochondriac.
I’ve sent pictures of the MRI to them and they will tell me they aren’t radiologists and they have no clue what they are looking at which I reply, my point exactly. My husband is acting like this is not a big deal. I’ve been crying on and off for two days bc my muscle weakness and pain has increased tenfold over the last few months and I’m terrified of what might come later- I’m worried I won’t be able to take care of my boys like I should be able to.
I guess my real question is (had to give a little back story), what do I do? Has anyone had anything like this happen? My doctors and other relatives are beyond supportive and empathetic and offer support and words of encouragement as well as a kick in the butt when I get down. How do you get someone to understand the severity of this disease?