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Inheritance Stuff

My partner has advanced MS. Her Dad is very old and is hoping to pass on as much as he can when he dies without it damaging her benefits. Just so we have the best possible fighting fund for her when things get worse still. Does anyone have knowledge of this sort of thing? Or better still can recommend a financial adviser in this field. Many thanks.

  1. Hello @tonyhandlebars

    These questions will vary by state and various personal situations. You may want to start with your local government or tax preparer for advise.

    All the best,
    Chris, A team member

    1. , I think this is a great question and one that is really helpful to consider. I think Chris' advice is solid, as the laws can vary a bit and we would never want to lead you in the wrong direction. The National Multiple Sclerosis Society has some information on planning for the future, including this Powerpoint -- . Around page 28, they have a cursory look at third party special-needs trusts, which may be one option to consider. Most of the information is geared towards people with MS and their spouses, but it still has some helpful information. And here's some more information about finding lawyers and tax professionals that handle this kind of thing -- And, not to inundate you with information, but here's a little more information on financial planning (again, geared a bit more towards the individual with MS, but the info is helpful, nonetheless) -- This is from another reputable site, the Multiple Sclerosis Association of America.

      I hope this gives you a good place to start and helps you figure out which questions to ask when you are seeking to get these documents prepared.

      Thanks for reaching out!

      Best, Erin, Team Member.

      1. fantastic advice and links, thank you!

        It's never a bad idea to plan for the worst. Doesn't mean the worst will happen, and if that is the case, then that's great! But if the worst does happen, having some input over that eventuality can be its own kind of empowerment.

        Not the same, but similar: I just moved to the house I will grow old in (they're calling it "aging in place," which suggests the goal is to live out one's life in a space that's not a facility).

        The new place has no stairs, plenty of wide spaces for getting around, a tall raised-bed garden that can be maneuvered by a wheelchair (thanks to my crafty husband who built it), and areas in the bathrooms that can quickly be adapted if necessary.

        Just being cognizant of what could happen and preparing for it has made me far less anxious about my future even if MS is squarely inside it. So too can preparing for certain financial eventualities give us agency over MS in a way that can let us sleep a little bit better at night.

        Tamara, community advocate

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