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Does anybody experience head jerking?.
I get the odd jerk where my head goes back fast.
The first few times was when I would lay down to go to bed.
Now it happens the odd time when I'm driving or watching television.

  1. Hi, !

    I do hope you get some feedback from other community members that may be familiar with this type of issue. Have you talked to your doctor about this?

    While experiencing tremors can definitely occur with MS, since you are dealing with more of a 'jerking motion', I am not sure you would consider what you are experiencing tremors. People with MS can also experience paroxysmal spasms, but I don't know if that sounds like what you are experiencing, either.

    Here's some information on tremors -- and spasms -- And, again, I would definitely talk to your doctor about this, if you haven't already done so.

    Best, Erin, Team Member.

    1. Yes. I have myoclonic jerks. People think I’m about to have a seizure when it happens. Let your neurologist know what is happening. If you can possibly catch it on video, it helps them understand. I know it is hard since you probably won’t know when it is going to happen. We happen to have a security camera in our home so I caught some episodes. I took some video to my appointment and was diagnosed with Dystonia. I was told that it was from old MS lesions. I have a similar problem with flashing LED lights setting it off. My neurologist did an EEG with photo stimulation (ie flashing lights). He said it is called a photo paroxysmal response. Unfortunately, I have not been able to find anything which relieves the symptoms very much. So far, I’ve been put on Baclofen, Tizanidine and Keppra.

      1. , I'm so glad you joined this conversation! I know was wanting some information from someone else familiar with this issue and I bet your insight and tips will be invaluable!

        Thank you for sharing!

        Best, Erin, Team Member.

    2. Yes to occasional head jerking.

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