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Liver Enzymes

Has anyone had problems with their liver enzymes being in high range? I know the DMT'S can affect the liver.
I have had to come of my medication due to this & have been off since January. Now I'm in the normal range.
So I am on no MS treatment. My Neurologist will do an MRI in August to check if not being on any DMT's medication is showing any signs of progression.

  1. We appreciate your question, ! While you wait for others to share their experience I just wanted to chime in on the topic. It’s not uncommon for DMTs to affect liver enzymes because they can put extra stress on the liver. But you reaching the normal range since coming off your medication is a positive sign that your liver is recovering! While you wait for your MRI in August, I encourage you to keep a close eye on any changes in your MS symptoms and report them at your upcoming appointment. Staying focused on what you can control right now and staying informed about your condition is key. Wishing you the best of luck with your MRI in August and hoping for positive news! Please keep us updated! Kindly, Latoya (Team Member)

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